Golden Shine Trust

Golden Shine Trust logo

Our Objective

The objectives of Golden Shine are clear and are built with the betterment and upliftment of a people with disability to help them gain a status in the society built solely upon their talent.

We aim to provide personalized, adaptive music education that meets the unique needs of people with disability.
We aim to create a supportive community of disabled musicians that fosters a sense
of belonging and empowerment.

We aim to promote disability awareness and advocacy within the music education system.
We aim to use technology and innovative teaching methods to make music education more accessible to people with disability.
We aim to assist with a platform for disabled musicians to showcase their talents and to inspire others.

We look forward to partner with organizations and stakeholders to promote disability rights and inclusion within the music industry.

Through these objectives, Golden Shine hopes to create a world where people with disability have the same opportunities to learn and perform music as everyone else.